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时间 :2016/5/25 16:20:32   文章来源:新利luck18官网糖业集团

    日照凌非华商仓储有限公司成立于2005年9月,位于日照市上海路北、临沂路以西 ,占地面积72100平方米 ,建筑面积35735平方米,总投资5000余万元。建成了五座现代化的糖制品的储存库 ,库容量15万吨,使食糖的储存 、保管、装卸达到了一条龙服务的水平 。2007年公司被青岛海关批准成为保税库,2008年被郑州期货交易所认定为食糖期货交割库 ,同年被国家商务部批准为国家食糖储备库 。

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General Introduction to Rizhao Lingfei Chinese Warehousing Co., Ltd.

    Rizhao Lingfei Chinese Warehousing Co., Ltd. was established in September 2005, which is located to the north of Shanghai Road and the west of Linyi Road and occupies the area of 72100 square meters with the construction area of 35735 square meters. The total investment is more than 50 million RMB. 5 modernized sugar products warehouses, of which the capacity is 150 thousand tons, realizes a one package service for the storage, preservation and handling of the sugar. In 2007, the company was approved by Qingdao Custom to be bonded warehouse, and was approved by Zhengzhou Commodities Exchange to be sugar futures contract settlement warehouse, and was approved by Ministry of Commerce to the country’s sugar strategic preservation warehouses at the same year.

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集团地址:日照经济技术开发区秦皇岛路59号凌海大酒店    全国服务热线:0633-3602298

集团销售部电话 :0633-3602298    集团销售部办公地址:日照经济技术开发区秦皇岛路59号凌海大酒店裙楼

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