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食糖销售 :0633-3602298
豆油豆粕 :0633-7966169
时间 :2016/5/25 15:23:06   文章来源:新利luck18官网糖业集团

      日照凌海大酒店有限公司于2004年9月开业 ,集餐饮、住宿、娱乐为一体的四星级现代化星级酒店 ,坐落于山水相连,风光如画的日照市,酒店位于日照开发区秦皇岛路与临沂路交汇处,毗邻同三、日东高速公路 。

     凌海大酒店是现代化商务型四星级酒店 ,拥有总统套房、豪华套房 、商务套房 、标准间 、商务单人间共270间。豪华舒适的客房 ;精致美味的餐食;先进完善的娱乐设施 ;周到温馨的服务相信会成为每一位宾客旅途中的美好记忆!酒店坚持“以人为本”的经营理念,秉承“追求卓越 、真情奉献”等企业文化,竭诚为海内外宾客提供优质高端的一流服务。


                                                       Introduction to Rizhao Linghai Hotel

     Rizhao Linghai Hotel was built in September 2004, which is a four star class modern hotel with the business of catering, accommodation and entertainment. The hotel is located in Rizhao, which is surrounded by mountains and the blue sea. It lies in the junction of Qinhuangdao Road and Linyi Road in Rizhao development zones and to Tongsan and Ridong highway with easy traffic for travelers. 

     Rizhao Linghai Hotel is a four star class modern business hotel, which has presidential suites, deluxe suites, business suites, standard rooms and business single rooms. It is an ideal place for business negotiation, tourist recreation, banquet and conference reception with bar, chinese food hall, luxury banquet rooms, western restaurant and deluxe and elegant without column multifunctional hall. Luxurious and comfortable suits, delicate and delicious meals, advanced recreational facilities, warm and thoughtful service will be the hotel guests’ good memory. Insisting on the management philosophy of people oriented the enterprise culture of pursuing excellence and true devotion, Linghai Hotel will try its best to provide good quality, high end and first class services to the guests from all over the world.


集团地址:日照经济技术开发区秦皇岛路59号凌海大酒店    全国服务热线:0633-3602298

集团销售部电话 :0633-3602298    集团销售部办公地址:日照经济技术开发区秦皇岛路59号凌海大酒店裙楼

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